Letter writing and my writing

I view letter writing as an extraordinary way to not only communicate with our friends and family but it is also a therapeutic way to express oneself.

As a freshman at Muhlenberg College, I am taking the ‘First Year Seminar” course “On Letter Writing”. I am really looking forward to learn all there is to learn about the history of writing letters, handwriting and the impact it has on society. I am looking forward to analyzing various different types of handwritten letters and study their significance. I am personally fascinated by the difference between handwritten letters and modern technology and forms of communication with our loved ones. I am excited to study previously written letters from various times specifically the ones written during the time of the Holocaust.

My Writing Process

What I like most about my writing process is how creative it can be. I tend to surprise myself when writing for a long period of time. I tend to go into a lot of detail and think a lot prior to my time writing.


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